Student Solution


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– Nelson Mandela

1 University

1 Course

1 Subject

Learning Journal Unit 7

Learning Journal Unit 7

Q Describe a “rite of initiation” that you experienced at a place of work. This could be described via a situation in which you began with the company as a new employee, or during a period of time in which your status within the company changed. In your opinion, are rites of initiation in the workplace a good thing? In addition to this task, please include a vocabulary list of unfamiliar words from the required readings and provide definitions. Remember to cite the sources of these definitions.

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In my workplace, I have observed the rite of initiation during my onboarding program. I was new in the employee and I faced the rite of initiation and it was fruitful for me. The HR department ahs helped me a lot to get along with the company culture and initially it was required for me as I was new in the company as well new in that particular industry as well. Even few of my colleagues have asked me to join them during lunch and I felt really good. In this way a good communication and bond was created.